Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm off!

Well a 3 and bit year tour of duty in the APS is enough for me. My car's sold and I've only left a few boxes of books under my parents house. I'll try to find a job in Vancouver asap after I arrive mid-June but until then, adventure on a tight budget awaits...NZ - LA - London - NY.

I arrived at Central station Sydney on Monday night after farewelling with Mum n Dad in Canberra. I stayed at old friend Matty V's place in Redfern before catching the morning flight to Wellington. Matty V's been making music and corporate videos for awhile and it looks like this year's his big break. He's on the production team for the new file 'Gabrielle' that's rumoured to be one of the biggest independent Aussie files since Mad Max. From the shorts Matt showed me it seems to have a dark sort of vibe like 'The Crow'. I think it's about some bad-ass avenging angels. Filmed in Sydney. I hope they release it in Canada so I can check out the finished film. Vancouver has a big film industry and I've promised Matt I'll scope it out for him. I may even look for work as an extra! 'Dead guy #23'!

So first up is New Zealand (I can't believe I have no Kiwi tunes on the ipod. Not a Finn brother to be found!) Wellington is a cool city. Out of the three major NZ cities I'm glad I landed here. It reminds me a bit of Melbourne with its cafes and vibrant artistic scene. This would have been a great place to go to uni and I'd sure like to stick around longer if I could.

I checked out the national museum this afternoon. My knowledge of NZ history is pitiful and I was hoping to learn a bit but I was immediately distracted by this awesome Lord of the Rings exhibition. It had video displays of the making of the films and lots of the models and costumes that were used. What a massive cultural force those movies were. The video interviews really showed what a genuine enthusiast Peter Jackson is. What a national hero. People from my dorm room were off to see the new Mission Impossible but i'm going to give it a miss. With LOTR still floating through my head I think Tom Cruise's dumb Scientology-loving head n screen would just piss me off.


Reading: 'Naked Lunch' - William S Burroughs ; Lonely Planet, NZ
ipod: 'Snow White' - Magic Dirt


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